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The Solutions Partnering .Org, and InterActive Info. Com, ICR Process is a 21st Century Communications System that provides for 2-way communications between Leaders and a Constituency.

Initially well-balanced Pro and Con information, utilizing print, tv, and radio, are used to provide an educational component to the constituency. Then, from the comfort of their home, at a time convenient (24/7) the constituent phones into our ICR system and answers demographic and strategic questions, which offers his/her opinion, on an issue.

The information is electronically gathered and instantly recorded onto our software program, which gives us an immediate, on-going tabulation of the opinions of demographically selected participants. We can also measure, by a "Passion Rating", the polarities of the issue.

In the Summer of 2002 we successfully ran 2 separate demonstration projects. The first used only print media, and the other used only television infomercials, as the educational components. (92% of the callers advised that they wanted to participate again, on other issues.)

In the Fall of 2002, in cooperation with numerous print, radio and TV media we launched a most successful 3 month Demonstration Project called "Citizens' Lobby" which provided "average" Citizens an opportunity to offer their opinions, to their Community Leaders, on Policy Decisions on "Hot-Button-Issues" effecting, among others;
                    1) The location and desirability of a Gambling Casino,
                    2) The desirability of a Metro-Rail Rapid Transit Expansion to the Airport,
                    3) The Sharing of a 1% Sales Tax

In the Spring of 2003, ICR was used, along with the Internet in an educational and Citizen Participation Project, using a combination of both Print media and TV, to help select the design for an International Bridge which will span the Niagara River, between Buffalo USA and Fort Erie, Canada. (The Bridge Project costs could go up to $500 Million). Approximately 5,000 votes were received in the 7 day selection. The resuts for the Peace Bridge Citizen Feedback initiative are on the Peace Bridge Expansion Projects Website, www.peacebridgex.com. Additional information about the process was discussed with the City of Buffalo's Department of Strategic Planning. We have made the presentation available here if pdf form.

We have the technical capability to accept thousands of phone calls at one time (no busy signals). We can limit the number of calls from each phone. We can limit calls to certain geographic areas. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We can also electronically accept opinions via the web.

We can do all this accurately and instantaneously, at a cost far less than the cost of a postage stamp.

For more info contact Project Coordinator Norman Bakos at nbakos@SolutionsPartnering.Org or phone/fax 716-892-1629


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